Resources to Nourish Your Climate Engagement
We can intentionally invest in the dynamics that support us in deep, sustained, courageous climate engagement. These resources are designed to help you do so.
Click the (+) where you could use some support.
Watch Sherri Mitchell share “How Pain Can Drive Climate Action.” Jot down some notes about what’s resonant for you.
Journal in response to this post + question from Mikaela Loach: “What breaks your heart & what vision of the future makes it whole again?” Return to this writing periodically, to stay rooted in your motivations.
Watch Valérie Courtois share “How Indigenous Guardians Protect the Planet and Humanity.” Reflect on ways you could deepen a connection with the land you call home.
Listen to Beautiful Chorus’s “Brilliant Mycelium” and freewrite a list of people who feel like kindred community. Pick 1-2 to reach out to; find time to have a conversation about climate concern or collaboration.
Listen to this OnBeing interview with Colette Pichon Battle: “Placed Here, In This Calling.” Jot down some notes about what’s resonant for you.
Explore Deepa Iyer’s social change map + descriptions of each role (p. 5). Do you feel drawn to any of the roles? Pick 1 and freewrite about why that role is vital to the collective climate story.
Read an excerpt from Britt Wray’s speech on “How to Live Meaningfully with Climate Anxiety.” Consider what support you need related to climate emotions. (You may find this curated list of resources helpful.)
Watch Sister True Dedication share “3 Questions to Build Resilience—and Change the World.” Then, take a mindful walk outside while considering her questions: “Who am I? Where am I? What do I want?”
Browse through “Leverage Points” by Donella Meadows, “The People’s Solutions Lens” by It Takes Roots, and The Drawdown Review, edited by Katharine Wilkinson. As you move through the readings, jot down some notes about what sparks for you and why.
Pick 1 climate solution or accelerator for change that you want to form or deepen a relationship with. Close your eyes and imagine what that might look like today...tomorrow...further into the future. Decide on a specific next step to take within the next month, to begin forging that relationship. (Sometimes learning more is the best next action to take. For example, you might commit to doing 1 hour of research and reflection.)
Read “We Are Earth” by adrienne maree brown. Jot down some notes about what’s resonant for you.
Take the Green New Careers Quiz and read the full profile of your primary type (not just the short summary). Then, freewrite about what aspects of that type feel most true for you + where it might take you next.
Listen to the “What Can I Do?” podcast miniseries from A Matter of Degrees. Brainstorm some actions you can take in your personal, professional, and public life to create meaningful, durable change. Pick 1-2 to get going on.
Scout for climate projects, campaigns, or groups that feel kindred + generate a list as you go. If you’re not sure where to begin, try searching Patagonia Action Works (groups in your community), Climate Emergency Fund (direct-action groups), Climate Cabinet (political campaigns), and Climatescape (primarily companies).
Read “Ten Ways to Confront the Climate Crisis Without Losing Hope” by Rebecca Solnit. Pick 1 of these strategies and consider how you might put it into action, starting today.
Watch Naima Penniman perform her poem “Being Human.” As you do, notice how wonder feels in your body. Then, inspired by Naima’s performance, explore body postures that help you connect with wonder, possibility, power, and joy. Tap into them regularly to generate those sensations.

If you want to go deeper...
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