The All We Can Save Project
Printable Climate Justice Poster Library
As artist Favianna Rodriguez writes in her essay in the All We Can Save anthology, “In the social justice movement, I’ve observed that our work is often centered on what we are against. We are clear about what we don’t want — the no … We must also create a culture that is about our yes.”
As part of our mission to nurture a leaderful climate community, we’re releasing a series of free printable posters to nourish, encourage, and bolster everyone who is working for a life-giving future.
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“The dark, too, blooms and sings”
by Ampersand for The All We Can Save Project, inspired by Wendell Berry’s poem “To Know the Dark.”
With determination, with love, and justice we will build a life-giving future
by Ree Artemisa
We take care of ourselves as we take care of the earth — all healing is connected
by Rose Wong, with typography by Madeleine Jubilee Saito
I am thankful to be held by the abundance of soil + kin!
by Loveis Wise
How can I get a physical poster?
Download the image using the download button above. If you have a printer at home, you can print the image directly from your computer, and make sure to select “high quality” to make sure the colors print clearly.
If you don’t have a printer at home, your local print shop (or corporate chain printers like FedEx) will usually have an email or a website where you can send an image for printing. You can then travel to that location to pick up the finished piece.
When you send your request, we recommend asking the printer to print on a heavier paper or a card stock for a more durable poster. If you’re not sure, ask them what they’d recommend for an art print on “letter size paper.”
The posters are designed to be printed letter size, but you can print them smaller or larger if you’d like.
How can I use these posters?
All artists maintain the copyright of these pieces. These images are protected under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND Creative Commons License (more about that here.)
If you decide to share these works online, please give credit to the artist and link back to this library.
Please don’t use these works for commercial purposes without express written consent of the artists. Commercial purposes would include any use where money is exchanged, even as a benefit or for a non-profit.
Questions? Reach out to us at or to the artist directly.
This use policy inspired with gratitude by the Justseeds downloadable graphics library.
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Together, we are equipping thousands of climate leaders from all backgrounds with the perspective, capacities, and community they need to engage meaningfully on climate, for the long term.