Purposeful Emergence

There is a creative spirit at the heart of our work.

We are finding new ways to scale our field-tested programs, as we vision and shape others—all to support deep, sustained, and courageous climate engagement.

These are the Project’s priorities for emergence, our “R&D,” with work underway.

1 — Scaling

We are translating our flagship program, Climate Wayfinding, into high-access models and mediums that can support many more people’s climate journeys.

2 — Rooting

We are testing place-based strategies for in-depth programs, including partnerships with retreat centers and exploring a permanent physical home for our work.

3 — Welcoming

We are rolling out a potent entry-point experience for those newer to climate and/or our approach, for use by our community of facilitators, educators, Circle leaders, and more.

Our Approach

8 Dynamics of Climate Engagement

People are the heart of planetary healing. We take a unique approach to tending the possibility in each of us—because that’s how we’ll grow a life-giving future for everyone.

Support our work.

Together, we are equipping thousands of climate leaders from all backgrounds with the perspective, capacities, and community they need to engage meaningfully on climate, for the long term.